Are you an unpaid Carer?
Identificēšana par neapmaksātu aprūpētāju:
Do you care for a loved one, family member, friend or neighbour.
Our team at Universal Services for Carers in Derby are here to support anyone providing care to a person living in Derby City who are informal and unpaid.
“Neapmaksāts” nozīmē, ka jūs nerūpējaties kā profesionālis, piemēram, kā kopienas darbinieks, aprūpes darbinieks mājās vai medmāsa. Ja jūs saņemat aprūpētāja pabalstu, jūs joprojām klasificējat kā neapmaksātu aprūpētāju, jo pabalsts tikai atbalsta jūs, sniedzot jūsu tuviniekiem nepieciešamo aprūpi.
Neapmaksāti aprūpētāji sniedz būtisku atbalstu viņu ģimenei un draugiem, kas var radīt spriedzi viņu pašu dzīvē. Tas padara vēl svarīgāku neapmaksātu aprūpētāju atpazīšanu par paveikto darbu.
Ja jums šķiet, ka šis apraksts jums der, tad mēs esam šeit, lai atbalstītu jūs ar padomu, informāciju, labklājības aktivitātēm, apmācības iespējām un vienaudžu atbalstu.
Whilst we welcome registrations from Parent Carers and are able to offer access to our resources and some of our events, our Service is commissioned to support adult carers whose Cared For are over 18.
What we do:
An information and advice helpline, answered by compassionate, knowledgeable, and fully trained staff, operational Pirmd. – piektd. 9: 00–17: 00, izņemot svētku dienas. The helpline also has an out of hours answerphone where you can leave us a message.
Pilns kalendārs free well-being support and activities designed to keep unpaid carers feeling physically and mentally well, as well as providing an opportunity for respite and socialisation with others living similar lives.
Supporting and maintaining peer support groups, including arranging events and inviting guest speakers. We will also help in the formation of unique peer support groups, tailored to specific needs.
Jums pieejams atbalsts
About Us
Find out what we offer and who is in the team.
Carer's Voice
We love sharing with you what our Carers think and the sort of events and opportunities we offer.
Vienaudžu atbalsts
We recognise that being an unpaid carer can be an isolating experience and that often, you may feel alone.
Apmācības aprūpētājiem
Ir ārkārtīgi svarīgi atzīt un atbalstīt neapmaksātu aprūpētāju vajadzības viņu ikdienas dzīvē.
Well-Being Activities
Unpaid carers face day to day struggles that can take a considerable emotional and physical toll.
Keep up to date about what is going on and future dates for your diary.
Click here to find out more about what we can offer and an online referral form
Sazinies ar mums
Click here to find out ways that you can get in touch – we look forward to hearing from you.
Carer's Bi Monthly Newsletters
Useful Contacts
Please find some useful contacts that may be of benefit to your caring role.
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