Useful Contacts
Citizens Advice –
Turn to Us – Benefits Calculator –
Derby City Care Line – 01332 642855
Monday to Friday, 9–5pm.
Derby City Care Line out-of-hours support – 01332 956606
It operates Monday to Friday 5pm–9am, with a 24-hour service during weekends and bank holidays.
Samaritans – 116 123, free helpline
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
PAPYRUS Hopeline UK – Call: 0800 068 4141 | Text: 07786 209697 | Email:
Helpline for people under 35 who have suicidal thoughts and for anybody worried about another young person’s mental health.
Open 9am- Midnight daily.
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
Open 24 hours a day
NHS 111 – 111
Can help you decide if you need medical help and offer advice on how to access help safely. The service is free to access and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Non-Emergency Police – 101
Royal Derby Hospital Adult Emergency Department – 01332 783111
Address: Uttoxeter New Road, Derby DE22 3NE Derby
Urgent Care Centre – 01332 224700
Address: Urgent Care Centre, Entrance C, Osmaston Road, Derby DE1 2GD
Emergency Dental NHS service – 01332 564911
Textline – free support 24/7 for Young people under 25
Text YM to 85258
Shout – Text mental health service free on all major networks.
Text 85258
Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service – 0800 028 0077
This is a 24/7 service for Derby residents.
Treetops Hospice – 0115 949 1264
Counselling and emotional support to adults, children & young people who are dealing with a life-limiting illness or bereavement.
Ogólna rada – 0808 278 7972
Biuro Porad Obywatelskich Mid Mercia
Doradztwo finansowe – 01332 228745
Biuro Porad Obywatelskich Mid Mercia
Call 999 if you are at immediate risk of harm or need help if someone is seriously ill or injured.