ਕੈਰੀਅਰ ਪੀਅਰ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ
Activities, groups and events
ਪੀਅਰ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ
We recognise that being an unpaid carer can be an isolating experience and you may feel alone. Peer Support for unpaid carers can help with mental and physical well-being. Sharing of experiences, knowledge and skills is vital to this and can be very rewarding.
We are able to assist unpaid carers to facilitate peer support groups, activities and events that can provide Derby’s unpaid carers with the much-needed opportunity to meet others living in similar situations to them.

Monthly Dementia Carers Cafe
Run in collaboration with Derby Theatre.
The group aims to develop friendships, support and understanding around those living and caring for someone with Dementia.
Run on the last Friday on the month between 2 – 4pm.
Derby Theatre,
Theatre Walk, Derby.
Please let us know if you have ideas about any peer groups that you are aware of in your area.
You can do this by calling or emailing us on
01332 228 777